Flourishing at Surbiton High: Where Wellbeing Takes Centre Stage | Surbiton High School
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Flourishing at Surbiton High: Where Wellbeing Takes Centre Stage

Posted: 21st May 2024

Surbiton High School isn’t just educating minds, it is also nurturing souls. The School’s dedication to holistic well-being is recognised with the prestigious ‘Wellbeing for Schools Award‘, a testament to our innovative approach and commitment to fostering a thriving environment for pupils and staff alike. 

In our pursuit of a truly holistic approach to well-being, we endeavour to equip our pupils with the resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges, guided by our school motto: ‘May love always lead us.’ Our philosophy is simple: we see flourishing as life going well; it is a sense that you feel like you are winning, even if things are hard.   

At the heart of Surbiton High School lies our ‘Nourish to Flourish: A Charter for Well-being‘, which is a pupil-centred framework based on the PERMA model – positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. These are the pillars of well-being that guide initiatives throughout the School. 

The School provides diverse avenues for pupils to explore their interests and build fulfilling relationships, from Friendship Hour where pupils connect with local seniors to Yogalab, mindfulness sessions and Green Fingers Club. SCOPE Days delve into health and well-being, relationships, and living in the wider world, equipping pupils with knowledge and skills to navigate life’s challenges. 

Beyond the curriculum, Surbiton High School prioritises pupil voice. The Student Leadership Team, and School Council ensures pupil concerns are heard and addressed. Well-being champions spread positive influence across the School, while positive messaging visuals permeate the environment. 

Even technology usage is thoughtfully considered. Recognising the challenges of addictive mobile phone technology, Surbiton High School introduced Yondr pouches, to store phones in during the school day. This is helping to educate pupils about healthy digital boundaries.  

Support for well-being permeates every aspect of school life. Each pupil has five dedicated staff members, plus additional resources such as the Welfare Team, comprising school nurses and school counsellors as well as Academic Mentors and a comprehensive Learning Support Department. New systems like Tootoot ensure swift identification of pupils in need, ensuring timely intervention and support. 

Staff well-being is just as important. A dedicated charter, staff activities like yoga and massage, and access to professional support equip educators and support staff to thrive. Training through an expanded CPD programme is offered, ensuring staff are equipped to support both their own and their pupils’ well-being. 

The accolades Surbiton High School has received are a testament to our commitment to nurturing a thriving school community. From PERMA-inspired initiatives to dedicated support systems, we demonstrate that prioritising well-being isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the very foundation of a flourishing school ecosystem. 

Learn more about Well-being at Surbiton High Senior School, Girls’ Prep and Boys’ Prep.

Categories: Blog Well-being