Beyond Surbiton High School | Private School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Beyond Surbiton High School

While Surbiton High School equips girls with a great academic education, we are also mindful of preparing them for life after they leave us.

The Sixth Form Team, which includes the Director of Sixth Form, Heads of Year 12 and 13, Form Tutors, UCAS Co-ordinator, Oxbridge Co-ordinator and the Careers Department, work closely with the pupils throughout their time in the Sixth Form to ensure they make the right future choices and have the necessary skills to reach their goals.


Year 12

  • Visiting academics and admissions staff from leading universities provide guidance on choosing one’s subject, admission, UCAS personal statements and finance
  • PSHE day visits to London universities for all students in Year 12, covering a wide-range of subject areas.
  • Choosing Your University Course Presentation and Workshops (Year 12 PSHE)
  • Oxbridge Evening, Oxbridge Mentoring and bespoke Oxbridge Activity Week – read more here on our Oxbridge provision.
  • Psychometric Profiling – Girls revisit the Morrisby Profile; a psychometric taken in Year 10 to understand their abilities, personality and interests and link these to future subject, university and career choices.  In particular, they redo part of their profile in case there have been changes in their career and study interests since taking the profile lower down the School.
  • Interview – Each girl will receive at least one full higher education and careers interview with in-depth write-up and action plan emailed to the student and their parents.
  • Personal Statement Day (Summer, Year 12)
  • Interview Day – each girl receives a mock university or job interview during Activity Week
  • Lecture Day – academics from a range of disciplines provide subject lectures. Lectures have included everything from “Is dirt good for us?” by Professor Cox of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to “The Unintended Gender Consequences of Brexit” by Dr Guerrina at Surrey University.

Year 13

  • Post Year 12 Applying to Higher Education for Students and Parents’ Evening (Year 13)
  • Support with UCAS application, particularly the personal statement
  • Writing of UCAS references
  • Oxbridge Interview Exchange with leading local schools

Across both Years 12 and 13

  • An annual Careers and Higher Education Fair
  • Evening events supporting students with certain pathways such as “Applying to US Universities” and “Competitive Healthcare Careers” (both 2017)
  • Further specialised support from Mr Owen, Director of Sixth Form, with medical, dentistry and veterinary school applications and our Multiple Mini Interview Practice Evening.
  • Particular support from the Art Department for those applying for Art School and Architecture
  • Visits to universities, particularly prioritising areas that require special preparation such as healthcare and art school options
  • Working Lunches from Careers Department delivered by industry professionals and university academics (e.g.  recent lunches included “A Career as a Clinical Psychologist” and “Careers in TV Production”)
  • Additional interviews with students and parents are on a drop-in or appointment basis with the Sixth Form Management Team, Tutors and the Careers Department
  • Drop-in advice and personal statement support from tutors, Heads of Year, the UCAS Coordinator, the Careers Department and others
  • Support with finding, planning and applying for work experience from our Careers Department