Girls’ Prep Year 2 Minibeast Alley | Surbiton High School
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Girls’ Prep Year 2 Minibeast Alley

Posted: 23rd May 2023

Minibeast alley, meadow grazing, pond dipping and searching for wiggly woollen worms were only part of the action-packed day for Year 2’s visit to Bushy Park. 

Although several of the girls have been to the park before, this time, they were fortunate to have the whole of The Stockyard Centre to themselves. 

All our school values, particularly, being inquisitive and compassionate for our surroundings, were on display and, despite the initial squeals when worms and spiders were collected, everyone became 100% braver, viewing their catch through a magnifying glass. 

We washed our hands, enjoyed our lunch together and swapped groups in the afternoon. The weather conditions were perfect to be outside all day, playing, running and demonstrating our listening skills when shown the bugs we caught when pond dipping.   

Quotes from the girls included: 

“I learned so much about mayflies and picked up a worm.”  

“I loved meadow grazing and didn’t realise how many small creatures existed.” 

Well done, girls. Now be careful and kind to those minibeasts.   

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