The second SCOPE Day of the year took place Wednesday 8 March. The afternoon was filled with activities on and off-site, and various speakers and workshop leaders delivering content focused on topics from the core PSHE curriculum themes of ‘Keeping Healthy and Safe’ and ‘Relationships’. Each Year group took part in various activities.
Year 7
Year 7 took part in an Empathy workshop, participated in a well-being Arts activity and heard from IT Happens with their ‘All the relationships’ talk which included discussions on permission seeking, boundaries and who to talk to if there is a problem.
Year 8
Year 8 took part in a Kindness Project and heard from the RAP project with their ‘Social Skills for Life’ talk, which focused on keeping safe online and how to be kinder to yourself and to others.
Year 9
Year 9 heard from Henry Hudson from People Change Minds, hear from IT Happens with their ‘Digital Relationships’ talk and develop their empathy skills in classroom activities.
Year 10
Year 10 participated in a well-being carousel and listened to a talk from IT Happens on ‘Intimate Relationships’, which highlighted empowering strategies and skills within relationships.
Year 11
Year 11 heard from the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation, an evidence-based drug and alcohol awareness charity and they also took part in a ‘do good to feel good’ Soul in the Community Project.
Year 12
Year 12 had a talk from Henry Hudson from People Change Minds, took part in a yoga Nidra session and heard from Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru, a Consultant Psychologist who worked with the Sixth Form Pastoral Student Team to tailor a session on stress and anxiety.
Year 13
Year 13 participated in a well-being carousel with activities including Pilates, Reflexology, Essential Oils and Skin Care. They also heard from the RAP Project with their ‘Big Leap’ talk, which focused on practical guidance, studies and advice on adjusting to University, a GAP Year or starting work. Year 13 also heard from Consultant Psychologist, Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru.
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