Key Stage 2 Head’s Celebration | Surbiton High School
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Key Stage 2 Head’s Celebration

Posted: 11th February 2022

Our KS2 Head’s Celebration took place on Founder’s Day so lots of treats were in store for the recipients of this term’s invitation to meet with Mr Williams and enjoy a break time, reflecting on the successes of the term so far.

Look at the wonderful accolades from some of the teachers:

‘We are all constantly amazed by her creativity and artistic skill. Well done, I cannot wait to see what you will achieve next.’

‘She  is constantly thinking of others and embodies our motto, “May Love Always Lead Us.” She is always close to lend a helping hand and pick someone up if they’re feeling down.’

‘Wonderful, role model behaviour, working hard in lessons and at home and taking responsibility for her learning. I couldn’t ask for more!’

Well done to Eva, Sophie, Emmen, Amara, Eloise, Sophia, Boo and Asha.

Categories: Girls' Prep School