Celebrating Outstanding Success in IGCSE Results for Adult Learners | Surbiton High School
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Celebrating Outstanding Success in IGCSE Results for Adult Learners

Posted: 1st February 2024

As part of Surbiton High School’s Community Outreach Programme, the Community Classrooms initiative extends academic learning opportunities for young people, parents, and residents. 

The year 2023 marked the inception of Surbiton High School offering IGCSEs in English Language for adult learners, and we are thrilled to announce the results. Out of the eight adult learners who sat the exam, five have successfully passed, which is particularly commendable, considering that English is the second or, in some cases, third language for seven out of the eight learners. 

The cohort included learners from Hungary, Hong Kong, India, Ukraine, Turkey, Chile, and England. Notably, two learners from Ukraine who moved to England to escape the war took the course to better job prospects, with one achieving a Grade 5 despite limited English proficiency. This individual, a parent of a Surbiton High School pupil, aimed to showcase to his daughter the tangible benefits of education. 

Another noteworthy achievement comes from a British learner, a Surbiton High School parent, who sought to prove to her daughter that academic success is attainable. This determination resulted in an outstanding Grade 9 

Similarly, an adult learner from Hungary, having relocated to England, scored a Grade 8, aiming to enhance her language skills for better communication with colleagues. A student from India, working in fashion with Hindi as her first language, scored a Grade 7, driven by the desire to support her two daughters in British Schools. Furthermore, a Language Assistant from Chile achieved a Grade 5 to improve her communication skills with students. 

Two learners from Hong Kong, lifelong friends who moved to England, aimed to enhance their English for job prospects and to better enjoy British culture. Despite facing language barriers, they achieved a Grade 3 and a Grade 2, a noteworthy accomplishment. Special thanks to Mrs Maria Goodson for her dedicated efforts in assisting these students. 

While several students attended classes, some were unable to sit the exam, including individuals from Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Korea. 

Congratulations to all participants, and those who passed now hold internationally recognised IGCSEs awarded by the examining board, Edexcel, with certificates issued in March! 

Special thanks go to Mrs Maria Goodson and Mr Stuart Bird, along with Mr Grant Allan, who contributed significantly to the Community Classrooms initiative. 

Mr Grant Allan, Teacher of English, shared, “It was a heart-warming experience that will stay with me forever. I am incredibly proud of each individual and truly believe that one act of kindness can change a life. The class taught me so much about culture, diversity, struggle, and appreciation that will help shape who I am as life continues.” 

Learn more about our Community Outreach Programme. 

Categories: Academic