Welcome from the Head of Girls’ Prep | Surbiton High School
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Welcome from the Head of Girls’ Prep

We are a happy and vibrant school where the girls enjoy an outstanding education. Surbiton High Girls’ Prep School is a place of discovery, creativity, fun and academic rigour. Most importantly, we instil in our girls a lifelong love of learning as well as ensuring they have the opportunity to develop their self-esteem and confidence, resilience and tenacity to equip them for the future. It is not just our girls who are continually learning. Our staff deliver a broad and dynamic curriculum, combining traditional pedagogy with innovative methods.

We are proud of our girls and all they achieve, having high expectations of them in everything they do and ensuring they reach the highest possible academic results. Our expert teaching and outstanding pastoral care means we focus on the individual needs of each girl to ensure that they access every opportunity available to them and find their strengths and passion, be it in academics, sport, drama, music or leadership.

I encourage you to come and visit us and experience for yourself the warmth of our community and meet our wonderful staff and girls.

Mrs Louise McCabe-Arnold 
Head of the Girls’ Prep

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We strongly feel that if our pupils feel happy, safe and secure, then the rest will naturally follow: this is certainly the case at the Girls’ Prep.