Choosing Surbiton High Boys’ Prep
Choosing the right school environment for your son’s education is one of the most important questions you will be faced with as a parent.
The choices you make at this early stage can have a significant impact on his or her life. If you are facing the decision of what type of school to choose for your child, we have outlined below a few of the benefits of a Surbiton High Boys’ Preparatory School education:
- Class sizes: Smaller classes mean children feel more confident to contribute in lessons. With a teacher and teaching assistant working together, there is no opportunity of your child ‘falling through the cracks’
- Curriculum: The broad and balanced curriculum is tailored to each child to include a rich diet of learning experiences. This helps children achieve higher standards in numeracy and literacy, and develops well-rounded, energised pupils
- Subject specialist teaching: Alongside individual class teachers, we have subject-specific teachers for all subjects from Key Stage 2 upwards (Year 3). Their passion for their subject area can help encourage greater engagement from their pupils – something we see daily at the School
- Technology: The age of technology is embraced throughout the School with Reception to Year 2 using iPads within class and pupils in Year 3 upwards are issued with their own iPad. These are an important resource, helping develop complex communication, new media literacy, creativity and self-directed learning, and employ a range of both bespoke Surbiton High School apps and learning resources to enhance the curriculum. Coding is taught from Reception upwards
- Extra-curricular activities: The breadth of co-curricular opportunities available for all pupils helps create an enriching experience beyond the academic curriculum. This can help develop interests and new passions across sports, drama, music and experiences (e.g. trips and tours)
- Sporting provision: The Hinchley Wood and Oaken Lane sport facilities provide over 37 acres of sport grounds and LOC facilities. Our sports curriculum focuses on the physical aspects of a range of sports (athletics, badminton, cricket, cross-country, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, rugby, ski-ing, swimming, tennis, volleyball, etc.) and also the importance of nutrition. From Year 3 onwards, our teams play regular competitive matches against other schools, which not only helps develop their skills working as a team, but also gives every child the opportunity to represent their School
- 11+ Preparation Boy’s Prep: In the Boys’ Preparatory School, ground work for the 11+ starts in Year 4 to ensure the most appropriate schools are selected for onward education. This process involves parents, pupils and staff; preparing, identifying and working towards the end goal of senior school selection with one-to-one meetings, mentoring, focus groups, revision, interview practice and scholarship preparation. Our current Year 6 boys are delighted to have received 64 offers from 16 schools, including 17 scholarships
- In-Residence roles: Our Entrepreneur-in-Residence, David Harkin, works across all year groups, encouraging them to develop their creative thinking and unlock their entrepreneurial spirit; vital skills for the future. This is coupled with working closely with our Writer-in-Residence, Stuart Bird, to help unleash creative writing skills. We are also fortunate to have a Director-in-Residence and Artist-in-Residence to allow pupils to experience working with a creative and experienced industry professional from the world of theatre and the world of art
- Senior School links: Being part of the Surbiton High School family allows us to tap into the Senior School mind set, resources and Senior Leadership Team, providing valuable experiences to our pupils and the opportunity to use the onsite facilities such as the art studio, Assembly Rooms etc
- Tailored approach: Our staff are wholly committed to knowing, supporting, nurturing and encouraging every child to ensure they are given a personalised approach to their education
- Nurturing & friendly: Importantly, our Prep Schools provide a caring, friendly, environment where children can truly flourish and realise their potential, as confirmed by our parents in a recent survey: “I was struck by the welcoming family atmosphere” and “They are constantly bringing out the character of the child, not just a hot house”.
Whatever decision you make for your choice of school, we know you will not take it lightly. However, if you would like to discuss anything further, please contact Admissions on 020 8439 1309. If you would like to hear more about our philosophy and ethos, click here for details of our open events, or click here to apply to the school.