Art | Surbiton High School
student dipping paintbrush into watercolour palette
shape shield section

Art & Photography


Art Scholarships are awarded to those artists demonstrating an exceptional level of talent in art and design, well above the normal level of ability for their age. We expect candidates to be able to talk enthusiastically about their work and show ability and skill in more than one area and media. Candidates must genuinely enjoy spending time making art and should be able to talk freely about art and artists, citing examples.

To apply for an Art Scholarship, please submit the following to the Director of Art:

  • A portfolio of work – Please produce a portfolio of recent work, showing a range of ideas and processes. Sculpture and other three-dimensional works, or very large works, should be photographed.

The Director of Art will review each application and portfolio, and sketchbooks will be studied to shortlist candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an assessment.

The assessment consists of a one-hour observational drawing skills test and a one-hour creative task, followed by an interview with the Director of Art and Assistant Director of Art. This discussion will include questions on art and artists, as well as your own work as presented in your portfolio.



Photography scholarship are awarded to those who want to study Photography for A Level. Candidates should show an exceptional level of skill and understanding in the medium. We would be pleased to see work in a variety of lens based media. We would expect a candidate to be able to talk confidently about the medium and present a portfolio showing their skills and passion.

To apply for a Photography Scholarship, please submit the following to the Director of Art:

  • A portfolio of work – Please produce a portfolio of recent work, showing a range of ideas, processes, and media. A physical portfolio can be submittied, though a digital portfolio may also be accepted.

The Director of Art will review each application and portfolio, and portfolio’s will be studied to shortlist candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an assessment.

The assessment consists of taking a set of photographs in a studio environment, a one hour creative task, and an interview with the Director of Art and Assistant Director of Art. This discussion will include questions on photography and artists work, as well as talking through the work presented in your portfolio.