THE GIRLS’ PREP NATIVITY 2020 | Surbiton High School
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Posted: 9th December 2020

The Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 girls really shone in the Nativity this year!

Reception and Year 1 each performed a song and looked fantastic in their angel and camel outfits, while Year 2 performed all the speaking parts and sang and danced their way through 5 lovely songs. ‘Born in a Barn’ is all about the residents of a soon-to-be famous barn in Bethlehem assembling to try and establish who the mysterious, majestic guest is who has arrived in their barn. Mary and Joseph are on hand to help the animals understand, and ensure they don’t wake the baby after their long trip from Nazareth.

Thankfully, the Owl and Donkey are there to talk some sense to the rest of the animals, who include some rather moo-dy cows, agitated sheep and one rather self-obsessed cat. All the barn animals, as well as the Camels and Kings, soon come to realise this is one rather special baby.

Categories: Girls' Prep School
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