Sports Day 2023 | Surbiton High School, Surrey
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Sports Day 2023

Posted: 7th July 2023

Sports Day is a celebration of all that epitomises the values we share at Surbiton High School. A coming-together to represent our Houses in colour, and performances that did not disappoint on a day with perfect weather conditions at our new venue. The track and field events displayed the best in our students as they battled with each other to cross the line first, although that was not the most important thing. Supporting each other to do their best whether it be to throw a Shot, sprint down the Long Jump track, or take part in the Duck and Spoon relay races – everyone was involved. Cheers went up as school records were broken by Amelia R (Year 9) in the High Jump, Allegra E (Year 10) in the 100m, Georgia G (Year 10) in the Javelin and Bailey O’Leary (Year 12) in the 300m.
A highlight of the year for the PE department and an opportunity for staff to come together to take part too; it really is a wonderful day that lives long in the memories of all involved.

House Total Points
Austen 687
Curie 650
Fonteyn 661
Nightingale 655
Pankhurst 686
Parks 550
Teresa 516
Categories: Senior School Sport