House Tea Parties: A Celebration of Charity and Community | Surbiton High School
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House Tea Parties: A Celebration of Charity and Community  

Posted: 15th February 2024

As part of the School’s Houses and Charity system, each House hosts a tea party. These events, born from the creative suggestion of a Year 8 pupil, serve as a platform for each House to showcase their chosen charity and support their fundraising efforts.  

The concept is simple yet powerful: representatives and beneficiaries of each house’s chosen charity are invited to the school for a morning of tea, cake, and conversation. These tea parties include discussions about the charity’s mission and engaging activities designed by the Heads of House and House Leaders.  

Here’s a glimpse into the impactful House Tea Parties that have taken place so far:  

Austen House

Welcomed Bassam Mahfouz, representing Refugee Action Kingston, along with 12 clients of the charity. Together, they engaged in a coaster painting activity, creating lasting memories and meaningful connections.  

Bassam Mahfouz expressed:  

“HUGE THANK YOU for a wonderful and memorable morning yesterday! Massively appreciated all the extraordinary efforts you, Anna and all the Austen house leaders went to, to put on the activity and the feedback we received from the attendees was super positive.”  


Curie House  

Hosted Laurence from The Childhood Trust, who shared insights into the charity’s work to support children living in poverty. This event was particularly special as one of the pupils has a personal connection to the charity through her family.  

Message from the Charity Rep Tara Macdowel:  

“We are so delighted that Curie House will be supporting The Childhood Trust through their fundraising activities this academic year, and I know that Laurence much enjoyed meeting the House Leaders this morning.   

I wanted to share with you our new report ‘Children In Deep Poverty: There’s Nothing Left For You’, published as part of our Christmas Challenge activities, along with the accompanying film that Laurence showed you and the students, featuring Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.   

I thought that you may also like to watch an example of our Decorate a Child’s Life project. This is one of the direct services we provide and really has a transformational effect on the children who benefit, providing them with a bright, child-friendly and inviting space with comfortable play, sleep and homework areas. This, along with our Adventure Playground Projects, is part of our Volunteering Programme that we are aiming to double in size over the coming year, in response to the rising demand.”  

Fonteyn House  

Invited representatives from Barnardos to discuss the charity’s history and strategic aims. A touching moment occurred when a pupil read out a heartfelt poem, showcasing the pupils’ creativity and empathy.  

Message from Michaela the charity rep:  

“Thank you so much for facilitating our invitations to the tea party, and please pass on our thanks to the group of young people involved in organising the tea party.  

It was a lovely opportunity for us, and to hear that the young people in your school selected Barnardo’s because they felt our values stood out to them is really special. The money you raise, as a house, is going to provide much-needed support for many children, young people and their families so we are beyond grateful. Thank you for sending over the poem – I will be sharing this with the team.”  

Teresa House  

Shelter’s Charity Representative, Bruce Warman, joined the festivities, engaging with students who demonstrated a keen interest in social issues. Bruce also extended an invitation for pupils to participate in the London Walk, an event supporting London’s homeless population.  

Message from charity rep Bruce Warman:  

“Many thanks for the invitation to join you, it was lovely to talk to you all   

The students are clearly very socially minded and enthusiastic and had great questions. Also attached is a poster for the London Walk  

There are more details here  

It’s on Friday 22 March and is where London Homeless charities get together walking either 10K, half marathon or marathon in the night setting off from Trafalgar Square  

The minimum age is 14 so students could do it.”  

The feedback from charity representatives has been overwhelmingly positive, with expressions of gratitude for the warm reception and meaningful interactions with pupils. These events not only raise awareness for important causes but also inspire a sense of purpose and compassion.  



Categories: Houses and Charity