Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all became designers this week. Reception were tasked with designing and making something for Mother’s Day, Year 1 a puppet for storytelling, and Year 2 a moving fire engine for Charles II! Everyone worked very hard to solve problems and work with their partners successfully. The results are fantastic! Well done KS1.
The Year 2 teacher comments “Year 2 really impressed with their problem solving skills, working out calmly how to attach the axle to the body of the engine to enable the wheels to still turn was just one of a host of problems on the day. The girls used their Learning Habits brilliantly and worked together with their partner, table and whole year group to share and gain inspiration in equal measure”.
The Year 1 team added, ”As part of our DT studies, we started the day off by looking at simple finger puppets and hand puppets. We spoke about how they had been made and the different materials and resources used. We then had a go at designing, making, and evaluating our very own puppets, which linked to our ‘castle’ topic. The girls came up with amazing creations such as knights, princesses, dragons, and kings. They were great at helping each other, sharing resources and being patient when requiring help. Finally, we ended the afternoon with some fantastic entertainment and watched a series of puppet shows performed by the girls. We hope the girls continue to have lots of fun playing with their creations at home.”