London Sea Life Aquarium | Senior School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Year 2 Visit the London Sea Life Aquarium

Posted: 14th November 2022

Year 2 braved the weather to head to The Sea Life Aquarium in London recently, to explore the vast array of underwater habitats and creatures on display. The girls thought carefully about how a sea creature’s basic needs might differ from a human’s and particularly what shelter might look like to the incredible animals we came across.

The sharks, enormous turtle, seahorses, penguins and clown fish were particular hits with the girls, as were the incredible jellyfish and rather sinister looking alligator who was eyeing us all very carefully as we walked past! We finished the tour by reflecting on the rather unfortunate impact humans are having on the environment and sea life in particular, before braving the rain to walk cheerily back to Waterloo and brighten some commuter’s day by sitting next to them!

The girls were fantastic all day – listening carefully and really enjoying themselves while showing great respect to the fantastic animals we saw and to other members of the public, both on the train and at the aquarium.

Categories: Girls' Prep School