After interviewing several Reception pupils, it became clear that this joyful group of girls had an amazing first term. Although some girls were nervous, they all immersed themselves in the buzz of excitement that filled the classroom.
What did they say?
They all stressed that meeting their buddies was a highlight of their first term and they loved seeing them in the playground and in the classrooms.
By the end of October, both Year 6 and Reception alike had already made strong bonds.
The Year 6s are buddied up with the Reception girls for quite a few reasons; one of them is the fact that Reception get the chance to settle into the School and whilst they are settling in to school life they have an older girl to support them. Reception can talk to the Year 6 girls if they are unhappy or nervous and the Year 6s will act appropriately. Buddies are important as, especially on your first day, school can be very daunting and it is difficult to find your way around without someone to help you.
Buddies do several things together: buddy reading, buddy presents and much more.
A Reception pupil said “I like my buddy because she can play with me and she makes me happy.”
A Year 6 said “looking after my buddy is fun – she is a great companion” and “this experience is amazing.”
The next buddy events are in December and will be reported on by the journalists.
By Maya and Hannah 6S
Categories: Girls' Prep School