STEAM Week 2022: 14 – 18 March | Surbiton High School
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STEAM Week 2022: 14 – 18 March

Posted: 28th March 2022

STEAM Week 2022: 14 – 18 March

This week was STEAM Week for the Boys’ Prep School.

STEAM stands for:


We linked this special week with British Science Week 2022 and our theme was ‘Growth’. This means that all the activities were created around the theme of growth.

By the time we got to 12.00pm on Friday, every boy had been given the opportunity to experience 10 different STEAM activities.

The activities were:
• STEAM origami
• Growth junk modelling sculptures
• Paper rollercoasters
• Making stretchy slime
• Growth in sound through vibrations
• Cells and mould ink stain sculptures
• Tallest tower challenge
• Building a nest like a gentoo penguin
• Baking challenge
• Animation making

Every day we had the chance to learn about different amazing scientists who changed the world. Some of these scientists were famous female scientists, which we linked to our learning around International Women’s Day from the week before. As well as this, our mixed groups were named after inspirational people, such as Marie Curie, Alexander Graham Bell, Archimedes, Alexander Fleming and Thomas Edison in Key Stage 2, and Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Mary Anning, Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton in EYFS and Key Stage 1.

All the teachers worked very hard to prepare and organise these incredibly exciting activities. Everyone had a wonderful time and really enjoyed exploring different areas of STEAM with a variety of boys and teachers. On behalf of all the pupils at the Boys’ Prep School, I would like to thank all the teachers for a brilliant week of learning.

Lucas Bejko
Year 6 Science Ambassador

Categories: Boys' Prep School