Year 6 Studied and Designed Clay Gargoyles | Surbiton High School
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Year 6 Studied and Designed Clay Gargoyles

Posted: 13th December 2021

This term, Year 6 studied, designed, and created three-dimensional clay gargoyles as part of their Gothic art project.

The boys studied the different designs and why they were used. They designed their own gargoyles, making sure to show design ideas from different viewpoints. They then thought about ways they could construct their gargoyles using clay and all the different methods they learned about how to make our gargoyles more detailed, textured, and terrifying! A lot of boys created hybrid or mythical animals for their gargoyle creations. Once made, the gargoyles were brought to the Senior School and fired in a kiln.

The boys were amazed by how different they looked, felt, and sounded once they had been fired. Lastly, the gargoyles were painted and glossed to make them look like stone.

Categories: Boys' Prep School