On Thursday 2 December, the Elite Gymnastics squad travelled to Putney High School to compete in the first gymnastics competition of the season. In the lead-up to the competition, the girls had been working so hard. They were coming in for extra training in early morning sessions alongside the Senior School Scholars. The girls were finally ready to perform.
All of the girls performed excellent vaults. Eva (5S) even got a special mention from the vault judge, expressing how impressed he was with her flight and elegance at such a young age.
The team also performed a group routine, which included dance, individual skills and two group balances. The routine was excellent. It was performed with character, synchronisation and style. As well as vault and a group routine, the elite girls had to perform individual floor routines, including six gymnastics skills, spins and leaps.
After a long morning of competing and waiting, the results were in…
The Elite team had won first place, meaning they have qualified to represent the London region at the National Finals in March 2022.
For the majority of the team, it was their Surbiton gymnastics debut. I am so incredibly proud of every team member on their improvement this term, and their resilience and determination in training sessions. Well done girls! Your hard work has paid off.
Categories: Girls' Prep School