European Week of Languages 2021 | Surbiton High School
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European Week of Languages 2021

Posted: 1st October 2021

Happy to be back in school and delighted to be out of our year-group bubbles, European Week of Languages 2021 finally dawned. The lack of sunshine and driving rain on Monday morning did not daunt us as we realised that days of practising cool tunes with the girls would soon reap wonderful rewards. Lunchtime saw us gather primed with microphones, cameras and chocolate (to bribe away any last-minute reluctance). As the girls filed in, it was clear that it was going to be a wonderful start to the week. Heads of Department shook their thing, the MFL teachers got funky, girls sang and the room resonated to the rhythm of Spanish, German and French disco beats!

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, it was the traditional French, German and Spanish breakfasts that took place – literally a bun fight as pupils jostled to purchase pains au chocolat, croissants, brioches, crêpes, Pretzeln, doughnuts, Schokoladestangen and magdalenas – what a treat! All of it disappeared faster than snow off a wet wall as it was inhaled by hordes of hungry pupils (note to self to order twice as much of everything next year!).

On Friday, our new Year 7 pupils were invited to dress up in the costume of their home language country or the colours of a European flag. Once again, they did not let us down and the classrooms rejoiced in colourful lessons and chatter that reflected more languages than those taught in school. Throughout the week, the dining hall hosted wonderful themed lunches and pupils enjoyed German, Spanish, French, Chinese and English fayre (we just could not relinquish fish and chips on Friday and English is a modern language after all!). During registration, all year groups enjoyed an MFL-themed escape room and Kahoot quiz which tested their knowledge of foreign languages and culture. Our wonderful Sixth Form language ambassadors helped Year 7 to prepare a TikTok video which proved to be fun for all.

Thank you to all those who made this wonderful week so memorable. A special MFL shout out to Sam (Chartwells catering), Jon, Hassan, Elspeth and Ed, without whom it would not have been possible and huge virtual hugs to the MFL teachers who created activities, decorated the magnetic board and universally shared their passion for all things MFL with our wonderful pupils. A final huge Vielen Dank, merci, gracias to those wonderful pupils who sang, quizzed, bought, TikTok-ed, dressed up and left us all feeling enthused and energised once again. Unsurprisingly, plans are afoot for a Christmas karaoke and you are all cordially invited, so watch this space…!

Geillis Paul

Head of MFL

Categories: Senior School