Over the summer, I decided that I would undertake a single mission: to take every opportunity that came my way. So, when I saw that the BFI were taking applications for their Film Academy, I rushed headlong towards the chance.
The BFI Film Academy’s aim is to train and inspire the next generation of UK filmmakers aged 16 to 19 by running courses in screenwriting, directing, VFX, film programming and more. I applied for the screenwriting course, of which the main appeal was that you would have two scripts: a group piece and an individual one, and at the end of it, the latter of which would be recorded professionally.
Not only did the BFI Film Academy result in the creation of those two scripts, but it changed the way I thought about my future. A career in television no longer felt like a foreign island that could only be reached with a password from a wizened old man who teleported globally at random, but an achievable, albeit twisty, pathway.
With my film, ‘In the Bottle’, I wanted to explore regret. I’ve constantly worried about putting my work into the world lest in twenty years, or twenty minutes; I find it totally mortifying. That led me to think about a piece of work – or indeed a rhetoric – so powerful that you couldn’t take it back with a delete button. In this way, the story of ‘Genie’ was born.
Year 12
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