Year 6 Boys Visit Henley Fort | Surbiton High School
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Year 6 Boys Visit Henley Fort

Posted: 15th June 2021

Trips have finally started again and our Year 6 boys were the first out, enjoying an excursion to Henley Fort.

This Victorian fort was originally built to protect London from invasion by the French and later used by the Home Guard in World War 2. The day gave our boys an excellent insight into the experience on the Home Front. The boys learned so much through practical and exciting activities. They completed their Home Guard training; setting up roadblocks, searching for spies, fighting the enemy and parade ground marching.

As ARP wardens, the boys learned about the necessity for gas masks, shelters and how to sound the air raid warning. The sun shone over Guildford and the boys had an extremely fun, engaging and insightful day.

Categories: Boys' Prep School