Reception & Year 2 Enjoyed Their LOC Sessions This Week | Surbiton High School
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Reception & Year 2 Enjoyed Their LOC Sessions This Week

Posted: 15th June 2021

Reception & Year 2 enjoyed fantastic LOC sessions this week!

Year 2 LOC Lesson

After a great discussion, led entirely by the girls, of what it might take to be an inventor, the girls were given 50 straws and some masking tape and challenged to make the tallest self-supporting tower. Inventor traits of planning out their approach first, not being afraid to make a mistake, knowing something probably won’t work first time, looking for opportunities to stop and improve the idea and of course, working together in their teams of four, really shone through.

The girls shared ideas between groups, experimented with one way and then changed to another way, adapted and showed fantastic collaboration and perseverance, and had lots of fun!

Reception LOC Lesson

Last week, the sun shone and we went for a beautiful bluebell walk in the woods, even spotting two deer as we got to the clearing where we like to stop and play.

This week the sun shone again, so we started with a story and then headed to the pond to see if we could become pond dippers. Mr Beck very kindly filled our great big containers with pond water. Using magnifying glasses, small fishing nets, spoons and pot magnifiers, we looked to see which pond creatures were hiding in the pond weed and water. There were a few bugs and beetles, but we didn’t see any of the exciting creatures that we hoped for… water boatmen, water snails, whirligigs …maybe next time? It was lots of fun though!

As we left , Mrs Mackenzie shouted, “look over there…. !” Were they crocodiles lurking in the pond weed or was it just our imagination!



Categories: Girls' Prep School