This term, Year 6 have been making their own documentaries in Computing lessons.
Working in small groups, the boys chose a range of subjects to investigate, including whether zoos are good or bad, A Day in the Life of a Surbiton Boy During Home Learning, and Pet Life!
The boys carried out research on their chosen topic, decided who they wanted to interview, and planned their questions. Scripts have been written, scenes and camera angles planned. They have now reached filming stage which has its own set of challenges, including dividing the filming between them.
Alfie and Will chose to make a documentary about keeping fit during lockdown. Who better to interview for their documentary than Joe Wicks?
We are thrilled for the boys that we will be back in School for the editing stage of the documentaries and are very excited to see the final cuts.
Thank you very much to Joe Wicks for your reply to Alfie and Will!
Categories: Boys' Prep School