SCOPE: Keeping Healthy and Safe | Surbiton High School
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SCOPE: Keeping Healthy and Safe

Posted: 25th February 2021

At Surbiton High School, we are driving forward a provision of structured collapsed curriculum mornings to enhance tutor/tutee relationships and support the pupils in engaging in meaningful activities that will ultimately build their coping skills, allowing them to flourish. These mornings will be called SCOPE sessions (Surbiton-cope).

At Key Stage 3, pupils need to manage the transition to secondary school, as well as the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. PSHE education should allow pupils to be more confident in addressing the challenges of effective learning, and to be able to make a full contribution to school life and their local community.

Key Stage 3: To understand the characteristics of mental and emotional health and strategies for managing it; a range of healthy coping strategies.

  • Yoga
  • Meeting the Head of Year
  • Cooking Sessions
  • IT Happens – Healthy Relationships & Positive Sex Education
  • Surbiton-Cope (SCOPE) Sessions

Key Stage 4: To recognise and develop strategies to manage different influences (including peer influence) on their decisions, (including clarifying and challenging their own perceptions, values and beliefs). To understand the personal and social risks that occur in new circumstances and how to ensure they stay physically and emotionally safe.

  • Surbiton-Cope (SCOPE) Sessions
  • IT Happens – Healthy Relationships & Positive Sex Education
  • Reflection with Tutors

Our sessions are straight-talking, open and honest. We take the awkwardness out of these sensitive topics so that young people really hear us and are able to ask the many questions they have – in a safe space. We work closely with your curriculum and pastoral teams to support and extend the RSE and PSHE work you are already doing. – IT Happens Education

Key Stage 5: To manage staying academically and socially healthy, as well as having a greater self-awareness of others and how to manage challenging relationships.

  • People Change Minds Project – Mental Health Talk & Available Support
  • SEED Support UK – Gemma Oaten: Coronavirus & Eating Disorders

Really excited to speak to your amazing Sixth Formers. Such a brilliant school. Your education on mental health will impact the futures of all! – Gemma Oaten

With the over-riding theme from our external speakers being about creating positive relationships and feeling connected, we feel that there has never been a more important time to discuss these topics than now. We hope these sessions continue to help our pupils to grow and adjust as we slowly return back to normal school life over the next few weeks.

Categories: Senior School