#showthelove At Surbiton High School | Surbiton High School
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#showthelove At Surbiton High School

Posted: 9th February 2021

The Climate Coalition are the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change.

A group of over 140 organisations, they are reaching across the UK to encourage families to show their love for all the things we want to protect from climate change, and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect them.

Their vision is a future where the UK no longer contributes to climate change. It is possible for us all to clean up the air we breathe, powered our homes using cleaner, cheaper energy. Why not take some time to help restore our green spaces and make it easier for Brits to live in a cleaner, greener world that future generations can enjoy.

We as a community can make a difference by getting involved in their #ShowTheLove campaign as many of our wonderful students and staff have already done so! Display a Green Heart this February, maybe write to your local MP to encourage them to champion climate change in Parliament! Many voices championing the one thing we rely most heavily upon – our environment.

But there are many other small changes that we as a community can make to improve our immediate environment. Is it possible for your families to consider using Green Energy? Are you recycling as much as you can, we live in a throw away culture, is there anything that you could upcycle rather than replace? Could you consider going meat-free one day a week? Could you invest time and energy to offset your carbon footprint by planting more trees? Can you find alternatives to film wrapped food, or reduce the amount of plastic wrapped produce from the supermarket? Are you using a reusable mask?

Small steps make the world of difference and remember #ItsNoteEasyBeingGreen.

Categories: Whole School