Friendship Hour Summer Party | Surbiton High School
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Friendship Hour Summer Party

Posted: 20th June 2019

student offering sausage rolls to a woman

Tuesday saw the summer party take place for Friendship Hour. This community initiative is a firm fixture for our Friendship Hour attendees, both for pupils for whom it is a co-curricular club and our community attendees who enjoy the opportunity for a cup of tea and a chinwag.

The conversation and hospitality are always a pleasure, both for our older generation to share their wisdom, and our pupils to share their modern day world experiences. This week was no exception and additionally our guests were treated to some phenomenal singing from Forte, Fortissimo and Choralia to send our Friendship Hour group away with plenty of songs in their head to keep them going throughout the summer.

Forte and Fortissimo are the School’s a cappella groups and Choralia is the most elite Senior School choir. They will be performing at the Summer Soirée on Thursday Evening.

Categories: Senior School