YEAR 7 GIRLS RAISE OVER £4000 FOR LEPRA | Surbiton High School
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Posted: 5th February 2019

We would like to congratulate our Year 7 girls, who have been working alongside Lepra, an international charity working to help beat Leprosy.

On Thursday 31 January, the Year 7s hosted an assembly where their amazing fundraising grand total of £4001.17 was revealed. The girls raised the money through various activities such as a Zumba workout, cycling, swimming, a 13km walk, selling raffle tickets, and bake and book sale.

Well done to 7P for being the class which raised the highest amount. Certificates were given to the girls who raised the most individually and a plaque was presented to the School.

We are so proud of Year 7! They have shown excellent creativity and commitment to raising an outstanding amount of money for Lepra. It is a really worthy charitable initiative that has enabled the girls to think about the global community and I am sure they will continue to empathise with others and build upon the skills that they have learnt in this process.

Jade Phillimore, Assistant Head of Year 7

Who are Lepra?

Lepra are a UK-based international charity working to beat leprosy. This disease affects the most vulnerable people in the world, causing life-changing disabilities, but there is a cure.

More than 600 people are diagnosed and start treatment each day, over 50 of these are children.

Categories: Senior School